1. Kuah Theam Loong – Asian Zone Coordinator
2. Mrs. Gabriela Murg – European Zone Representative
Executive VP of Legal and International Affaris WMF
President European Muay Confederation
3. Interim Executive Board Control – Pan – American Zone Representative
President of PanAmerican Muay Confederation
(To be elected 2019/2020)
4. Mr. Mario da Silva – African Zone Representative
President of Sub-Sahara Muaythai Boran Association
President of Muaythai Boran South Africa
5. Mr. Amir Ranjdar – Australia and Oceania Zone Representative
President of AustralOcenia Muay Confederation
President of Australian Muay Federation
6. Mr. Vath Chamroeun – Asia Zone Representative
President of Asian Muay Federation – A.M.F.
Secretary General of NOC Cambodia